Music, graphics, multimedia, community - this is the world of
Navisto, the creative side of Martin
Navisto is about music. Back home in the studio, following a process of improvisation and jamming that feeds into traditional production, new music emerges.
Martin plays synthesizers and electronic drums, but he is mostly a sound
engineer and studio technician. Since becoming a daddy, composition has taken the back seat in favor of recording, mixing and mastering for others.
Navisto is about graphics. As a side product of research in the
field of virtual reality, images and 3D models are generated that
deserve to be presented outside the confined area of the blue-c portals.
Navisto is about community. The Zurich
Music Bar Jam 2003 generated
not only music, but also images
and - first and foremost - a wonderful community feeling. The idea
was kept alive in the M@stock jam
session in New Jersey, the Zurich Bar
Jam 2004 and the Malta 2004 sessions, and many more!
Please enjoy the world of Navisto.
- Martin